Fab Fundraiser Friday 23.9.16

| 13th October, 2016

It’s Friday which means FAB FUNDRAISER FRIDAY! Once again we are indebted to everyone who has donated to our work, whether it be popping change into a charity collection box, holding an event or sponsoring someone. Thank you to everyone for your continued support.  Here are just some of the supporters we caught on camera! 1

Lynn is pictured with Patryk Jelonek, Barrie Cochrane and his children Charlie and Connie receiving money raised from a charity football game held a Craigavon City Football Club. The Cochrane family would like to thank everyone again for their kind donations and support.
Jigsaw Day Nursery held a week long of fundraising events for the charity in memory of little Tilly McGranaghan. Pictured are some of the Nursery Kids and staff presenting Lynn with a cheque for an amazing £2,041.00. Thank you to all the kids, parents and staff for their generous support!
Huge Thank you to all the customers from Forbes Spar, Ardboe who contributed to this £1000 cheque being presented to Lynn from Childrens Heartbeat Trust from Ryan Forbes. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Thanks to St Patrick’s Masonic Lodge, NO 79, who recently presented a cheque for £1,100. The money was raised from a series of fundraising event held in aid of charity. Pictured are members presenting the cheque to Lynn from the charity.
Temple and District Vintage & Classic Club members are pictured presenting Lynn Cowan with a cheque for £1,500. The money was raised from the club’s annual vintage rally which was held a Temple Golf Club. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the event.
Tina Hewitt pictured right cut her long hair short to raise a fantastic amount of £1,175.00. She raised her money in aid of close friends Stacey and Nicole and their daughter Robyn. Stacey is pictured also with Lynn from the charity accepting the cheque. Thank you to everyone who supported Tina in her challenge.
Julie, Victoria, Jamie and little Archie are pictured with Lynn presenting a cheque for £1,710. The money was raised from a series of fundraising events held over the past few months in aid of little Archie who was born with a heart defect. Thank you to everyone who supported the family with their fundraising.



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