Here is a selection of facts and figures about the support we have been able to offer our heart families in last year due to the efforts of our fabulous fundraisers.
CHD is the most common birth defect in children born in NI with on average 200 babies per year born with one or more heart conditions.
We create over £2,450,000 of social value from our work.
1/3 of children born with CHD will face open heart surgery throughout their lives.
For every £1 invested in the charity, we create a social value of approximately £8!
Website page views and 13,506 users.
Ward visits made to 319 heart families
Counselling sessions delivered.
Families staying at our three caravans.
in financial support payments made to 216 families travelling for cardiac care facing long term hospital admissions.
trips have been made by the Children's Ambulance since it launched in 2023.
Mental health improvement for young people after Summer Blast 2023.
World’s first CHD Transition App developed.
Youth Council members.
Quarterly teen events.
Coaguchek machines purchased.
Group and 54 individual Music Therapy sessions held on Clark Clinic
Families used our parent accommodation in Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children.