How your Money can help

As a local charity in Northern Ireland we currently rely on voluntary donations to fund our services. Every pound raised for our work is greatly appreciated.

We support any family in Northern Ireland whose child has heart disease; from first diagnosis, to treatment, surgery, recovery and beyond.

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect in children born in Northern Ireland with on average 200 babies per year born with one or more heart conditions.

Check out our facts and figures page which shows you a selection of the support services we have been able to offer our families from April 2016 to April 2017. As you will see, your generosity offers a wide variety of support to those in need.

How your donations can help

With your support through fundraising and donations, we are able to continue our important work and make a real difference to the lives of heart families in Northern Ireland.


could purchase a Clark Bear Teddy for a child who has been diagnosed with heart disease.


could pay for a sensory toy for the Play Specialist to use on Clark Clinic.


could pay for counselling sessions for an anxious parent coming to terms with their child’s diagnosis.


could pay for a CoaguChek Machine to test a child’s INR for warfarin levels. This can alleviate travelling to hospital on a regular basis.


could pay for a Sats Monitor on Clark Clinic.


could fund a paediatric first aid training course for heart families.


could support ten families who have to travel outside of Northern Ireland for their child’s open heart surgery.